The Ultimate Guide to Understanding BIDMAS

What is BIDMAS

What is BIDMAS

Mathematics, often regarded as a universal language, encompasses a wide range of concepts and rules. When it comes to performing mathematical operations, confusion can arise due to the improper order of operations. Enter BIDMAS, the acronym that helps us navigate through these operations. In this blog post, we will demystify BIDMAS and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its applications and advantages.


Breaking Down BIDMAS


Brackets: Organizing Operations

Brackets play a crucial role in organizing mathematical expressions. They ensure that certain operations are prioritized over others, preventing ambiguity and misinterpretation. Different types of brackets, such as parentheses, square brackets, and curly brackets, serve distinct purposes in mathematical notation. Resolving expressions within brackets allows us to simplify and solve complex equations in a systematic manner.


Indices: Simplifying Exponents

Exponents, also known as indices, are handy shortcuts to express repeated multiplication. Understanding the concept of indices is essential for simplifying expressions and efficiently evaluating them. The power rule in indices provides a guideline for calculating exponents, making it easier to solve equations involving these mathematical operators. Mastering indices allows us to simplify calculations and represent numbers in a more concise form.


Division and Multiplication: Understanding Their Hierarchy

Division and multiplication are intertwined operations in mathematics. It is crucial to understand their relationship and the hierarchy in which they are evaluated. The rule of left-to-right evaluation for division ensures that operations are performed in the correct sequence, avoiding potential errors. Considering division and multiplication together allows us to make accurate calculations and maintain consistency in mathematical expressions.


Addition and Subtraction: The Final Steps

Addition and subtraction, the final steps in BIDMAS, contribute to the overall outcome of an equation. Familiarizing ourselves with the basic concepts of addition and subtraction helps us evaluate expressions correctly. By applying the left-to-right approach for addition and subtraction, we ensure that operations are carried out in the intended sequence. Proper execution of these steps leads to accurate and precise mathematical solutions.


Putting it All Together: Applying BIDMAS

Now that we have explored each component of BIDMAS individually, it’s time to put them together and apply BIDMAS as a cohesive framework. A step-by-step guide for BIDMAS allows us to navigate complex mathematical expressions systematically. Examples illustrating BIDMAS in action provide practical insights and help solidify our understanding. Additionally, we will discuss tips to remember and common mistakes to avoid when utilizing BIDMAS.


Advantages and Applications of BIDMAS


Improving Consistency in Mathematical Operations


By following the BIDMAS order of operations, we improve consistency in mathematical calculations. This standardized approach overcomes ambiguity and misinterpretation, allowing for clear communication. In the realm of mathematics, precision is paramount, and BIDMAS promotes standardized methods, enhancing understanding and facilitating accurate problem-solving.

Facilitating Complex Problem Solving


Complex equations often require the efficient organization of mathematical operations. BIDMAS plays a crucial role in such problem-solving scenarios. By providing a systematic framework, BIDMAS enables us to simplify expressions and focus on the most relevant steps. This facilitates mathematical modeling, analysis, and problem-solving in various fields, from physics to economics.

Strengthening Computational Skills


BIDMAS not only streamlines calculations but also strengthens our computational skills. By understanding and applying BIDMAS, we develop mental math abilities, enabling us to perform quick mental calculations accurately. This foundation in mathematics builds a solid platform for further learning and paves the way for tackling higher-level mathematical concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What are the most common mistakes made in applying BIDMAS?

  1. Misunderstanding the Order of Operations: Many individuals struggle with the correct order of operations, leading to incorrect solutions. It is crucial to remember that BIDMAS follows a specific sequence to ensure accurate calculations.

  2. Neglecting the Importance of Parentheses: Parentheses, or brackets, are often overlooked or misunderstood, resulting in errors. It is essential to recognize their significance and apply the correct operations within them.

  3. Mixing Up Divisions and Multiplications: Improperly evaluating divisions and multiplications can lead to incorrect solutions. Understanding their hierarchy and following the left-to-right evaluation rule is crucial for accurate calculations.

Can BIDMAS be applied universally?

  1. BIDMAS in Different Mathematical Systems: While BIDMAS is widely used as the standard order of operations, different mathematical systems may have their own variations. It is essential to familiarize ourselves with the conventions specific to a given system.

  2. Exceptions in Non-Standard Operator Hierarchies: In some contexts or specialized areas of mathematics, variations to the standard BIDMAS order may exist. These exceptions are typically introduced to address specific requirements or considerations within those domains.

  3. Adapting BIDMAS in Specialized Areas of Mathematics: Despite potential variations, BIDMAS can generally be adapted and applied in various fields of mathematics. Its underlying principles remain valuable in streamlining calculations and ensuring consistency.

Are there alternative methods to BIDMAS?

  1. The Role of PEMDAS in the United States: In the United States, the acronym PEMDAS is often used instead of BIDMAS. It stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). While the sequence may differ slightly, the overall concept remains the same.

  2. Other Localized Variations of BIDMAS: Different countries or regions may have their localized variations of the order of operations. These variations often result from linguistic differences or historical conventions. It’s essential to adapt to the relevant order of operations depending on the context.

  3. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Different Systems: The effectiveness of different systems is subjective and depends on individual preferences, educational systems, and cultural conventions. It’s important to evaluate and choose the most suitable system based on these factors.


In summary, BIDMAS, or the order of operations in mathematics, is a fundamental concept that allows us to navigate mathematical expressions effectively. By understanding the role of brackets, indices, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction, we can solve equations accurately and efficiently. BIDMAS promotes consistency, facilitates complex problem-solving, and strengthens computational skills. By demystifying BIDMAS and addressing common questions and misconceptions, we hope to equip you with the necessary knowledge to excel in mathematical operations.

Remember, BIDMAS is not just a set of rules to memorize; it is a powerful tool that unlocks the potential for accurate and efficient calculations. So go forth, embrace BIDMAS, and let mathematics guide you to logical and precise solutions. Happy calculating!